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SOFTIMAGE®|FACE ROBOT™ v.1.0 is the first production toolset for lifelike face animation. By ‘solving’ faces for animation and reducing preparation time, Face Robot allows animators to concentrate on sculpting the details of every expression for unforgettable performances.
Face Robot v.1.0 dramatically increases face animation productivity and allows animators to achieve realistic, lifelike face animation for high-end film, post, and games projects. Based on extensive anatomical research, Face Robot uses a groundbreaking new computer model of facial soft tissue to mimic the full range of human emotions. Designed with input from leading animation experts, Face Robot gives artists an intuitive way to interact with their characters while providing control over details, including wrinkles, frowns, flaring nostrils, and bulging neck muscles.
With dedicated face animation technology, Softimage has created a software solution for artists that removes the barriers to believable 3D character performances and is the perfect addition to any character production pipeline. The non-destructive tools in Face Robot free artists to work creatively and produce lifelike face animation for compelling, emotionally resonant character performances.
Support for dynamic screen resolutions has been introduced. This means that when you choose a guest OS, a list of available screen resolutions is dynamically populated with primary OS resolutions.
Fixed keyboard mapping problems and the mouse pointer lag problem
Improved sound support. The sound lag problem has also been fixed.
Fixed problems with sleeping/waking up the primary OS when a VM is running
Introduced the ability to resize a guest when switching to fullscreen mode
Added optional "transition cube" animation for transitioning to and from fullscreen mode. This is a really cool feature that makes switching between OSes in fullscreen mode very easy. There's a video of an early version of this feature in action here.
Fixed several kernel panics
Added default network adapter for bridged mode
There's a new and improved Parallels Tools package in Beta5. To update, open your VM, log in, click the "VM" menu, and click "Install Parallels Tools"
Also, we now have more than 100,000 beta testers! Thanks (again) to everyone who's helping make this the best product possible. The fact that we're moving so fast with this beta program is a direct result of your support, enthusiasm, and hard work.
全面朝影像進軍 2005年,EPSON有不少大動作。其一是在商標中增加了「Exceed Your Vision」的口號,象徵「超越消費者的期望與想像」。此外,該公司也在2005年訂定了「3i策略」,三個i分別代表「imaging on paper」、「imaging on screen」以及「imaging on glass」,也就是要分別從印表機、投影機以及從顯示器等影像設備出發,集中資源發展「紙張的列印」、「投影機的影像投射」與「顯示器的影像呈現」等新應用。
在「紙張的列印」方面,EPSON希望未來可以與其他領域整合,像是列印電視節目訊息、連續劇對白、音樂錄影帶歌詞、廠商折價券等,並著眼於列印品質的再提升;在「投影機的影像投射」方面,EPSON希望加入多項新功能,像是能馬上關機、無須散熱再關的設計,或是不必透過電腦而以無線傳輸資訊,以及直接以投影機的USB插槽或儲存卡播放影像檔等功能;在「顯示器的影像呈現」方面,EPSON則透過日本的研發中心,從原本以紙為中心,轉變為包括電子紙在內的其它材質,像是未來預計取代條碼的無線射頻辨識系統(RFID, Radio Frequency Identification)標籤,讓長久累積下來的噴墨等技術,能應用在更多層面。